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6 Months Before: Stop using any products containing Isotretinoin, such as Accutane.
2 Weeks Before: Try to avoid any laser hair removal treatments, medium or deep chemical peels, as well as dermal fillers.
3 to 5 Days Before: Begin a hydropeptide or PCA SKIN skincare regimen. We'll go over this in your initial consultation.
3 Days Before: Avoid excessive, unprotected exposure to the sun. Be sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least 35 or 55 for fairer skin. Please avoid tanning beds during this time as well.
2 Days Before: Do not use any over-the-counter acne medications like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Make sure not to schedule any waxing appointments, use any depilatories, or exfoliating treatments that include active enzymes or glycolic acids. And finally, do not use any topical products containing tretinoin, like Retin-A.
The Day Of: Try to avoid shaving on the day of your treatment. If you absolutely must shave, try to do it at least 3 to 4 hours before your appointment.
First 24 Hours After: Avoid heat directly on your skin. Use lukewarm water when bathing or washing your face. Try to avoid excessive sweating as well as the sauna. Finally, skip makeup on the day of your treatment.
2 Days After: Continue to avoid products with tretinoin as well as exfoliating treatments, waxing, and depilatories. You should also continue to avoid using over-the-counter acne medications for the first two days as well.
3 to 5 Days After: Remember to protect your skin from sun damage.

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